Get Tickets:
The Raven-A New Musical (Staged Readings)
First Reading: Saturday March 16th, 6:00pm
Second Readings: Saturday April 6th, 12:30pm & 6:00pm
Cardel Theatre: 180 Quarry Park BLVD S.E.
The Raven is being produced as a series of three Staged Readings. To get the best value out of your experience, it is recommended that you attend both showings. After the first reading there will be a talk-back and opportunities for audience members to write down and voice comments. The comments will be taken into advisement as well as audience reaction and the second reading will be a re-written/revised version of the first. Please come and attend both readings and see how the show has progressed and how your comments have changed it for the better.
Ticket Pricing:
Single Tickets: 1 Foodbank Item (Also a suggested donation contribution - $10)
Tickets will be available online starting in January 2013. Staged readings are an opportunity for audiences to see a new show and for us as a creative team to make it better. So the readings are free of charge, but you MUST book a ticket online through this website, so we can guarantee you a seat in the theatre.
Food Bank: In order to offset costs, the theatre requires each audience member to bring one non-perishable food item. You MUST have this item, along with your printable ticket to gain entrance to the performance.
Donation: The Raven is being produced independently and therefore the costs to put on a show are quite high. The tickets are free, but we would greatly appreciate a donation/pay what you can donation, that you can make when you book your ticket online. This money will greatly help offset costs of the performance and help The Raven to continue on its successful journey so that more audiences, like you, can enjoy it. Please Donate!
Death will bring Life to Death, Life will bring Death to Life...NEVARMORE